Each quarter Saving For College analyzes the investment returns for thousands of 529 portfolios and ranks the 529 savings plans based on the overall investment performance. This table shows how we ranked all direct-sold 529 plans for ten-year performance. Direct-sold plans are ones that consumers can enroll in without using a broker or financial advisor. Click here for one-year performance table, three-year performance table, and five-year performance table.
The Saving For College enrollment-based performance rankings analyze the returns of all age-based or year-of-enrollment portfolios offered by 529 plans. The methodology calculates a hypothetical average annual return for each portfolio across a glidepath from age 0 to 19+ and then ranks the plans from highest to lowest returns. Please view our methodology for more details.
This ranking could be a useful tool when comparing and selecting a 529 plan.
Rankings use data as of September 30, 2024.
State: West Virginia
Average return: 7.07%
State: Nebraska
Average return: 6.71%
State: Louisiana
Average return: 6.54%
State: Colorado
Average return: 6.51%
State: Kansas
Average return: 6.45%
State: West Virginia
Average return: 6.44%
State: New Jersey
Average return: 6.21%
State: South Carolina
Average return: 6.11%
State: Arizona
Average return: 6.00%
State: Delaware
Average return: 6.00%
State: Massachusetts
Average return: 6.00%
State: New Hampshire
Average return: 6.00%
State: Kansas
Average return: 5.88%
State: Nevada
Average return: 5.81%
State: Maine
Average return: 5.74%
State: Hawaii
Average return: N/A
State: Montana
Average return: N/A
State: Arkansas
Average return: N/A
State: Nebraska
Average return: N/A
State: North Dakota
Average return: N/A
State: Rhode Island
Average return: N/A
State: Connecticut
Average return: N/A
State: District of Columbia
Average return: N/A
State: Idaho
Average return: N/A
State: Kentucky
Average return: N/A
State: Michigan
Average return: N/A
State: Minnesota
Average return: N/A
State: Mississippi
Average return: N/A
State: Ohio
Average return: N/A
State: Oklahoma
Average return: N/A
State: Georgia
Average return: N/A
State: Pennsylvania
Average return: N/A
State: California
Average return: N/A
State: New Mexico
Average return: N/A
State: Vermont
Average return: N/A
NA = Not Applicable = Program does not have at least three portfolios covering at least 10 age bands with sufficiently long performance to be included in our ranking model.
The Saving For College enrollment-based rankings compare historical investment returns of only the age-based and year-of-enrollment portfolios offered by each 529 plan.
The performance data underlying these rankings represent past performance and are not a guarantee of future performance. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data used. A plan portfolio's investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor's shares or units when redeemed may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investors should carefully consider plan investment goals, risks, charges and expenses by obtaining and reading the plan's official program description before investing. Investors should also consider whether their beneficiary's home state offers any tax or other benefits that are available for investments only in such state's 529 plan.
For a more in-depth explanation of our methodology, please read our white paper.
Brokers, please note: For internal use only and not for use with or to be shown to the investing public.
Disclaimer: Saving For College, LLC shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in this report. Users should rely on official program disclosures.
For broker-sold plan rankings, click here.
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Saving For College is an unbiased, independent resource for parents and financial professionals, providing them with information and tools to understand the benefits of 529 college savings plans and how to meet the challenge of increasing college costs.